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From the School Council President

Welcome back, everyone!

I hope you all had a fabulous break and are enjoying being back into the school routine, or for our new families, learning a new routine.  

This year, we’re gearing up for some awesome activities, and we would love for you to get involved! The School Council is a great opportunity for you to have a say in what happens at our school. It’s your chance to voice your opinions, lend a hand, contribute ideas, and make a real difference. Joining the council will not only allow you to develop valuable skills but also give you the chance to work with a great team & meet new families.

Chris has sent out information in another post, where you can learn more about what we do and how you can get involved. I encourage each and every one of you to consider joining us. If you want some extra info on how you can get involved, please yell out! 

Courtney O’Keefe
School Council President